Stephen P. Pizzo
Author & Journalist

Media Commentator

Magical Mystery
 Life Tour

Books Published

Inside Job: The Looting of America's Savings and Loans

New York Times Best Seller

    McGraw Hill, Hardcover 1989/ HarperBusiness PB 1991.
1990 Winner, 1990 Investigative Reporters & Editors Book of the Year Award.
Nominated for a Pulitzer


The Ethic Gap: Crisis of Ethics in the Professions
1991, Parker & Sons Publishers

Profiting from the Bank and S&L Crisis
HarperBusiness, January 1992

Journalism Awards

- 1989 Lincoln Steffans Award for Journalism
-1989 George Polk Award for Business Journalism
- 1990 Gerald Leob Award for Business Journalism
- 1990 Investigative Reporters & Editors Book of the Year Award
- 1990 National Headliner Award - Associated Press
- 1990 Media Alliance Meritorious Achievement Award
- 1990 Arizona Press Club Don Bolles Investigative Reporting Award
- 1990 Arizona Associated Press Sweepstakes Winner
1992 Project Censored Award - Sonoma State University
1999 Southam Award for Sailing Journalism

On The Web

Founding Sr. Editor, National Affairs,
Web Review Magazine
(Technology/Politics) 1994-1996

(Sr. Editor, Current affairs)
"The Angle"

Founding member & Senior Editor
Quokka Sports Inc.
Digital Sports Coverage
Open Ocean Races
1996 - 2000
Political Commentary

O'Reilly Associates 
The O'Reilly Network
Internet Audio Interviews/Technology

The Challenge Business (UK)
Senior Editor, EDS Atlantic Challenge
Open-Ocean Sailing Coverage

Print Journalism 

Forbes & FYI Magazine

 Washington Post
(Banking/book reviews) 

 New York Times
(Editorial Page)

Los Angeles Times
(Stringer - General Reporting)

  Arizona Republic

 San Francisco Chronicle
(White Collar Crime, Political Analysis)

 Public Citizen Magazine

 Playboy Magazine

Penthouse Magazine
(Organized Crime) 

 National Mortgage News 

Baseline/Ziff Davis
(Computer Technology)

Mother Jones Magazine
(White House/Congress)

Mortgage Technology Magazine
(Internet Techonlogies)

New York Times Group Columnist
(Emerging Web Technology)

Left, 1946 Ercoupe / Right, 1929 design Corbin Baby Ace


(Note: Both above planes were sold in 2013)  

1976 Kawasaki KZ900LTD with British Watsonian Sidecar

Watsonian Sidecar


Office Phone: 707-829-7038